Our Work
Clyde Church of God
1736 Catawba Springs Drive, Hartsville, S.C. 29550
10,000 S.F. Pre-Engineered Gymnasium/Multi-Purpose Building
Diamond Hill Plywood Distribution Center
1455 Ebenezer Road, Darlington, S.C. 29532
70,000 S.F. Pre-Engineered Warehouse/Office Building
Frazier Industrial
131 Evans Way, Lamar, S.C. 29069
30,000 S.F. Pre-Engineered Manufacturing/Warehouse Additions
Integrated Systems, Inc.
4605 Hanger Access Road, Darlington, S.C. 29540
12,500 S.F. Pre-Engineered Manufacturing Additions
Poly Quest Inc.
1720 Mineral Springs Road, Darlington, S.C. 29540
225,000 S.F. Pre-Engineered Manufacturing/Warehouse/Office Buildings
S.C. Central Railroad Co.
727 Floyds Road, Darlington, S.C. 29540
New 25 Acre Rail Road Yard with 15,000 S.F. Pre-Engineered Office/Wash Shed/Train Engine Shop Buildings
Darlington YMCA
123 Exchange Street, Darlington, S.C. 29550
4,500 S.F. Pre-Engineered Gymnasium / 3,400 S.F. Commercial Swimming Pool / 1500 S.F. Water Park Pool
Nucor Steel
300 Steel Mill Road, Darlington, S.C. 29540
New Black Creek Water Intake Structure
Nucor Entrance
300 Steel Mill Road, Darlington, S.C. 29540
New Entrance Project